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What is 3D Chiropractic Spinal Decompression Therapy? What is the difference?
Although chiropractic spinal decompression is rather a new technology there are many different machines out there. Spinal decompression tables or machines all work on the same principle of computerized traction and positioning. Many tables or clinics advertise about how they…
Protect your back with a Hip Hinge!
Everyone knows when lifting, LIFT FROM YOUR KNEES, but most people don’t know about the HIP HINGE. If you are looking at the spine from the side, the lower back better, also known as the lumbar spine, you will…
Why my back pain shoots down my leg?
It should be noted that there are two types of back pain; Complicated and Uncomplicated back pain. If you are experiencing lower back pain or neck pain that shoots down the leg, you have complicated back pain. There are no…
Lower Back Pain and Proper Footwear
One of my recent patients was a good candidate for spinal decompression therapy. This patient has had lower back pain with shooting pain down the leg for over two years. He was ready for surgery. I performed an exam and…
Shoulder Pain Physiotherapy
Shoulder is one of the more complicated joints in the body. This is perhaps because it is not really connected to the torso through other joints. You have the shoulder joint, shoulder blade (scapula), color bone (clavicle) and your mid…