Auto accidents or collisions can lead to many injuries. One of the most common injuries is whiplash, which is painful and annoying. Physiotherapy has been used successfully to treat most such auto-related injuries. Our clinic is well equipped to diagnose the condition of the patient following a car accident and can provide help in rapid recovery and rehabilitation.

Physiotherapy for Car Accidents
Whiplash is an injury that is caused when passengers traveling in cars are hit from behind. Very often the victims are not aware that they have suffered an injury because they do not feel the pain until much later. Typically in such a collision, the neck snaps forwards and backward violently in an unnatural motion. This unexpected jolt can force the neck in a rotational movement leading to ligament and muscle damage. Such injuries can also be caused due to contact sports.
Symptoms of Whiplash
The most common symptoms of whiplash are a stiff or painful neck and numbness of the arm, shoulder, hand, or lower back.
Other symptoms include blurred vision, dizziness, ringing in the ears, irritability, sleeplessness or problems related to memory or concentration.
Bruising or nerve damage between the arms and vertebrae is yet another symptom. This is more likely to occur if your body was in contact with the seatbelt.
These symptoms often continue for many weeks or even months although the majority of patients manage to go back to their routine work after one or two weeks. If you have met with an auto accident and suffer from any of the above symptoms, you may need to consult a physician. Depending on the severity of the injury, the physician will advise physiotherapy. A rehabilitation program may be recommended after conducting a thorough assessment of the injuries.
How is Whiplash treated?
Treatment for Whiplash depends on the condition of the patient. In the case of soft-tissue damage and Whiplash, the most common type of physiotherapy treatment is ice applications. An alternation between ice and heat, gentle active movement, cervical support, muscle relaxing medications and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs may be recommended.
Treatment can also include specific physical exercises, acupuncture, or even electrical stimulation. The treatment is decided by our team of trained and qualified therapists who carry out a complete diagnosis before recommending the appropriate type of treatment for the patient.
Usually following a combination of physiotherapy and specific treatment help in reducing the pain and in restoring the range of neck movement. They also provide strength and mobility to the affected parts of the body and assist you in continuing with your normal daily activities. In fact, research indicates that resting the injury for longer than a few days actually leads to more pain and disability. This happens because the injured muscles become stiff and weak when not in use. As a consequence of this, the period of recovery gets prolonged. During treatment, one must remember to keep the soft tissues around the neck healthy, flexible, and in motion and prevent them from becoming painful and stiff. Therefore, the sooner the therapy sessions begin, the better for the patient because physical exercise helps the body in releasing chemicals that can reduce the pain very naturally. If you have been affected by an automobile injury then you must contact a clinic right away.
In the video you see our unique technique of using Tecar + Shockwave + Laser therapy to get immediate results after an accident. You also see simple neck stretches to help with your recovery. Our unique techniques is available in both of our clinics in Toronto (Scarborough) and Vaughan (Woodbridge).
Are you looking for physiotherapy or a Chiropractor? If Yes, then visit Simply Align Rehab Physio in Scarborough/Toronto or Woodbridge/Vaughan or you can always call or text us for your Physiotherapy or Chiropractor needs in Toronto at (416) 438-3230 or For Physiotherapy or Chiropractor need in Vaughan (Woodbridge) at (905) 638-9840.
Other Car Accident Injuries
In addition to Whiplash, physiotherapy can treat several other types of car accident injuries. We can help you in identifying the specific problem and assist you in recovering from other types of aches and pains. Injuries like sprains, strains, or fractures require a customized physiotherapy program that will enable you to deal with such issues. Our staff is experienced and well-equipped in using a wide range of techniques, ranging from physical exercises and stretching to ultrasound and shock wave therapy, that can help you to recover. Other techniques include massage therapy, acupuncture, heat and ice, postural-alignment training, joint mobilization, lumbar support, traction, and electrical nerve stimulation.