Auto Insurance Coverage System in Ontario

Victims of car crashes often incur huge losses due to the increasing expenses for rehabilitation, therapy, and treatment after the event. They may have to make required modifications in their home, may have limited earning capacity in the future, or have incurred lost wages. Therefore, it is pertinent for those involved in serious car accidents to pursue and obtain the full amount of compensation available to them as per legal provisions. It is advisable to consult a skilled and experienced Personal Injury Lawyer for more details without any delay.

Auto Insurance Coverage System

All vehicle owners in Ontario are required to purchase a minimum standard of auto insurance coverage according to the statute. The basic policy contains third-party liability coverage, direct compensation for property damage as a result of the accident, no-fault benefits, and benefits applicable in cases of motorists who are not insured. Vehicle drivers can also choose to purchase additional benefits such as coverage for increased amounts for the purpose of attendant care, rehabilitation, caregiver benefits, housekeeping and home maintenance costs, higher medical benefits limits, and death benefits. However, it is important to know that insurance companies usually try to minimize or at times deny valid benefits claims, leading to disputes. Hence, accident victims must consult an experienced auto accident lawyer who can validate the losses.

Valuation of the Losses

Accurately valuing all that the accident victim has lost may be simple in some cases. For example, it may be possible to quantify the damages quickly by putting together the medical bills, property damage repair invoices, and wage records. In more complex situations, it may not be easy to arrive at the potential loss incurred. For example, when victims are seeking a fair level of compensation for intangibles such as physical suffering, emotional trauma, or detriment to one’s previous lifestyle. This may require expert analysis and careful examination of all the factors involved. Only an experienced and skilled advocate will be able to handle the case in such a situation, with the help of other experts, doctors, and concerned authorities. Together with their help, he may be able to arrive at a more accurate figure of the loss incurred by the victim.

Obtaining Convincing Evidence on behalf of the victims

Whether it is a full or partial payment of an insurance claim, the evidence of the victim needs to be convincing and persuasive. The more evidence, the better the chances of his success. The victim will need to aid in the collection, assembly, and organization of supporting documents such as photographs, medical records, employment data, and other related materials.

Timely follow-up of Justice and Accountability

The time-lapse after a vehicle accident is extremely critical for various reasons. It is also a period of anger, frustration, pain, and uncertainty. Usually, the victims’ immediate focus is on physical recovery, survival, and loss mitigation. However, it is important to remember that the time for seeking formal recourse is limited. Therefore, it is important for the victims to begin the process of any potential tort action or securing insurance policy benefits soon after the event.

According to the Limitations Act 2002, s.4, Ontario, the period for pursuing a negligent motorist in court is limited to two years. Hence it is necessary for the victim to consult an accident attorney from Ontario soon after the accident or injury. This will not only expedite the process of gathering important evidence and preparing effective legal arguments but also ensure the likelihood of success. A skilled and efficient car crash lawyer will ensure that all statutory filing requirements are compliant and pursue justice and full accountability for his client.

How can a Car Accident Lawyer Help?

When you are caught in the midst of a car accident due to another person’s negligence, it is difficult to predict which way things will go. A skilled car accident lawyer in Toronto will argue for your right to care and treatment following the accident. Experienced and skilled lawyers know that insurance firms usually try to prove that you have a minor injury and not a serious one. If you are the victim of a vehicle accident (car, truck, or bicycle) and would like to know more about the compensation that may be available to you, consult a Car Accident Lawyer in Toronto right away.

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