What is an ankle sprain?
One of the most common injuries is a sprain. It occurs when the ligaments that support the ankle get stretched. Usually, these ligaments get injured when the foot is inverted or turned inward accidentally. When ligaments outside the lower part of the ankle get stretched, it is called a ‘lateral’ ankle sprain. In this condition, the ankle gets twisted inward. When the ligament holding the tibia and fibula together in the lower leg is injured, it is known as a ‘high’ ankle sprain or syndesmosis injury. This happens with an eversion injury when the ankle gets twisted outward. This makes the ankle tender and swollen below, outside, and in front of the ankle bone. The bone is not as tender as the ankle. Usually, a sprain is mild and causes a little pain, and makes weight-bearing difficult.

How do you treat an ankle sprain?
Preliminary treatment for an ankle sprain consists of RICE, which includes rest, ice, compression, and elevation. More serious injuries are treated with a walking boot that helps support the ankle. Lateral ankle sprains usually take one to three weeks to recover, whereas high ankle sprains take around three to six weeks to recover. Rehabilitation can be taken up a few days after the injury when the swelling begins to reduce. The main purpose of rehabilitation is to reduce the pain and swelling and restore strength to the affected area, range of movement, and balance. It aims at achieving three things: 1. Restore movement and flexibility, 2. Restore strength to the affected area, 3. Restore balance.
In the video below, you can see hand acute ankle sprain and our treatment for it at Simply Align Rehab physiotherapy chiropractic located in Toronto & Vaughan Ontario. We use advance, modalities, such as Tecar , laser and shockwave to reduce pain and inflammation quickly. You can also see some of simple exercises and applying ice to a recent ankle sprain.
Can you prevent an ankle sprain?
Yes. You can prevent an ankle sprain by using a brace for support or taping the ankle and prevent re-injury. A wide range of braces are available: some made of neoprene, others made of elastic material, and some others that have additional straps or ties for support. Braces that have straps or ties usually provide better support.
Are you concerned about symptoms of an ankle sprain or injury? Book a physiotherapy assessment at your local Simply Align Rehab – Cedarbrae Medical Centre: 3630 Lawrence Ave E, Scarborough, ON M1G1P6 or at 200 Marycroft Ave, Unit #6, Woodbridge, ON, L4L 5X9.
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