What are Shin Splints?
A condition when the muscles surrounding the tibia (shin bone) become irritated and inflamed, mostly due to the stress of running, is called Shin Splints. Shin Splints can also occur due to tiny stress fractures on the shin bone leading to extreme pain in the shins.

What are the Different Types of Shin Splints?
Shin splints mainly occur in two main areas on the shin. Tibialis Anterior Muscle Strain occurs when the tibialis anterior muscle (the muscle running along the front of the shin, responsible for lifting the toes) becomes irritated and inflamed, resulting in pain in the front of the shin and possibly into the ankle. Tibialis Posterior Muscle Strain occurs when the tibialis posterior muscle (a small muscle running down the back of the shin, responsible for lowering the toes and supporting the arch of the foot when walking) becomes irritated and inflamed, resulting in pain along the rear, inside of the shin bone.
What Causes Shin Splints?
Shin splints are caused by stress, generally caused by running on the tibialis muscles. The other reasons for Shin Splints are: Biomechanical issues such as flat feet or rigid arches, Putting excessive strain on your feet (running downhill, on hard surfaces, or on uneven terrain), Playing start-and-stop sports (tennis or soccer), Having weak or tight ankle, thigh or hip muscles and Working out without properly stretching (before and after) and Wearing poorly fitting or worn-out footwear,
What are the Signs and Symptoms of Shin Splints?
Pain in the shin is the main symptom of Shin Splints. The pain can get aggravated so badly that it becomes painful to run and do routine activities, like walking, climbing stairs, and using the (gas and break) pedal in the car. The other symptoms that can occur are Pain in the shin that develops during exercise, pain in the ankle and big toe, Burning, cramping or aching feeling in the shin, Swelling or Tenderness along the shin.
Are you looking for physiotherapy or a Chiropractor? If Yes, then visit Simply Align Rehab Physio in Scarborough/Toronto or Woodbridge/Vaughan or you can always call or text us for your Physiotherapy or Chiropractor needs in Toronto at (416) 438-3230 or For Physiotherapy or Chiropractor need in Vaughan (Woodbridge) at (905) 638-9840.
How Are Shin Splints Treated?
Treatment of Shin splints can be done at home and in a clinical setting. Rest, Applying ice and avoiding activities will help to ease the pain and inflammation of shin splints. However, if the symptoms persist, then it is advisable to consult a physiotherapist who can address your specific needs with a custom treatment plan. First of all, a physiotherapist will assess your shin splints and depending on the cause and severity of the shin splints, prescribe appropriate treatment. This may include a Personalized exercise plan, Soft tissue massage, Strengthening and range of motion exercises, Active stretching, Customized orthotics to support the arch of your foot, Taping or compression garments for your shins, Therapeutic ultrasound and Heat, and ice therapy. Shockwave therapy has shown to help also.
Can Shin Splints Go Away On Their Own?
Yes. Shin splints can go away with home treatments such as resting your foot, Applying cold therapy, and taking pain-relieving Medication. However, if the root cause is not treated, shin splints can come back.
Can Shin Splints Be Prevented?
Shin Splints can be prevented if appropriate steps are taken to avoid them. Easing into new exercise routines, Properly stretching before and after exercise, Gradually increase the intensity of your exercises, Strengthen your ankle, calf, thigh and hip muscles and Use a foam roller or massage your shins and Wearing supportive footwear. However, if you have an increased risk, due to a biomechanical issue such as flat feet or you are a runner, you need to consult a physiotherapist to advise you to regard specific therapeutic needs.
Concerned about symptoms of Shin Splints? Book a Physiotherapist Consult for Shin Splints at 3630 Lawrence Ave E, Scarborough, ON M1G 1P6 or at 200 Marycroft Ave UNIT 6, Woodbridge, ON L4L 5X9 Today.
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