We are pleased to have the new SUPER INDUCTION SYSTEM:
Mechanism of Action
The intense electromagnetic field triggers action potential and depolarises the nerves, resulting in muscle contractions. The Super Inductive System is designed to treat painful neuromuscular and joint-skeletal conditions without operator assistance. This versatile technology can cover acute and chronic pain, muscle relaxation and stimulation, joint blockage release, and the support of fracture healing. The electromagnetic field intensity of 2.5 Tesla triggers strong muscle contractions and contributes to pain management.The frequency range of 1-150 Hz and a variety of amplitude modulations maximise therapeutic efficiency.

A wide range of frequencies assures that the BTL Super Inductive System can be indicated for all stages of painful conditions. Their management is based on three different pain control theories. Each of them varies in the frequency spectrum. Therefore SIS therapy leads to immediate relief at all stages of disorders, whether chronic or acute.

Joint mobilization is achieved through repetitive contractions of the muscles surrounding the joint capsule. This repetitive contraction substitutes manual joint mobilization, which leads to joint play restoration.

The high-intensity electromagnetic field enhances blood circulation in the affected area and supports the formation of the vascular and cartilage callus. Consequently, progressive cartilage mineralization and bone remodeling are initiated.

Interaction of the electromagnetic field within neuromuscular tissue, results in nerve depolarization and muscle contractions. Based on the selected stimulation frequency, muscle facilitation or strengthening can be achieved.

Inhibition of an increased muscle tone is achieved through affecting the spinal level of muscle tone control. This mechanism is indicated for the treatment of central motor impairment, in which spasticity occurs.

This technology is available is at in both clinics in Toronto (Scarborough) at 3630 Lawrence Ave East, and Vaughn (Woodbridge) at 200 Marycroft Ave Unit 6.