Nutrition supplementation may be an integral part of rehabilitation. At Simply Align we only use one or two products to reduce pain and inflammation. We work with some of the best nutritional companies such as Douglas Laboratories and Pure. For more information please visit
Vitamins are essential for your health. They are important for energy production and functions in the body. They also help your immune system. Some Vitamins can help as Antioxidants. It is believed that antioxidants reduce the chance of cancer. Vision as well as bone formation also are dependent on vitamins that are taken from our food supplies. The nervous system also relies on vitamins that once again are taken on a daily basis. Most people have heard of calcium being important for bone formation. Overall well-being is closely related to the nutrition supply that one’s body requires. Unfortunately, with the North American diet, most individuals do not require all the vitamins and minerals needed daily. It is, therefore recommended that people who do not receive a proper dosage of vitamin C minerals on a daily basis to take a multivitamin and supplementation.

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Scarborough (Toronto) Location
Toronto (Scarborough) Tel: 416-438-3230 or Book online
3630 Lawrence Ave E, Scarborough, ON M1G 1P6 (Located inside Cederbrae Medical)
Woodbridge – Vaughan
Vaughan (Woodbridge), Tel: (905) 638-9840 or Book online
200 Marycroft Rd, Woodbridge, Unit 6, ON L4L 5X4 (By Highway 7 between Pine Valley Drive and Weston Road)