Relieve Back Pain with Massage Therapy
Touch is the first form of healing. Massage therapy has been proven to help eliminate muscle pain, spasms, headaches, postural conditions, and overall tension. Manipulation of soft tissues will help to relieve stress or restore muscle function after an injury. Combined with exercise and chiropractic, massage will help your body to function with everyday stressors.

Today Massage therapy is considered a part of mainstream medical therapy instead of complementary or alternative therapy. Several studies have shown that massage therapy has resulted in significant improvements in patients suffering from a range of medical conditions. The benefits of massage therapy extend beyond relieving stress, and tension providing relaxation. The techniques applied by a Massage therapist include pressing, rubbing, and manipulation of muscles, tendons, ligaments, and skin. This therapy makes use of hands and fingers and on some occasions, the forearms, elbows, and feet, to bring out the desired results.
At Simplyalign Scarborough, Toronto we provide massage therapy to treat the following conditions:
- Poor Circulation
- Muscle Pain and Spasms
- Pregnancy
- Carpal Tunnel
- Swollen Joints and Muscles
Call 416-438-3230 or Text (833) 236-6133 or come in for your Free Consultation! (We Bill Your Insurance Directly)
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Our Services
Our Clinic Location
Scarborough (Toronto) Location
Toronto (Scarborough) Tel: 416-438-3230 or Book online
3630 Lawrence Ave E, Scarborough, ON M1G 1P6 (Located inside Cederbrae Medical)
Woodbridge – Vaughan
Vaughan (Woodbridge), Tel: (905) 638-9840 or Book online
200 Marycroft Rd, Woodbridge, Unit 6, ON L4L 5X4 (By Highway 7 between Pine Valley Drive and Weston Road)
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