Back pain caused by or relating to the spinal joints, discs vertebrae, or soft tissues is called Mechanical low back pain. This type of pain is called acute low back pain, lumbago, idiopathic low back pain, lumbosacral strain or sprain, or lumbar syndrome. It is a very common disorder. Over 80% of people will experience back pain at some point in their life.
What Causes Low Back Pain?
Muscle strain, Disk herniation, Spondylosis, Spondylolisthesis, Spondylolysis, Vertebral compression, fractures, Repetitive stress or overuse and a traumatic injury are common causes of Low Back Pain. The exact cause is found in only about 20% of cases. Signs and Symptoms of Mechanical Low Back Pain? Pain or stiffness in the lower back, Pain that radiates down to the butt and thighs and Muscle spasms are the most common symptoms.
Are you looking for physiotherapy or a Chiropractor? If Yes, then visit Simply Align Rehab Physio in Scarborough/Toronto or Woodbridge/Vaughan or you can always call or text us for your Physiotherapy or Chiropractor needs in Toronto at (416) 438-3230 or For Physiotherapy or Chiropractor need in Vaughan (Woodbridge) at (905) 638-9840.
Treating Mechanical Low Back Pain in Scarborough, Toronto and Woodbridge, Vaughan
Treatment may vary and depend on the cause, severity and duration (length of time) of the low back pain. Generally, if the patient is experiencing intense pain or spasms activity (up to 48 hours) Bed rest is recommended. Normal activities may be continued. Other treatments to reduce pain and inflammation include Heat and ice therapy, Alternate hot and cold treatment (20 mins each) twice or thrice a day, Medication and Physiotherapy. Medication usually includes anti-inflammatory drugs and muscle relaxants. Physiotherapy or physical therapy is beneficial as it helps in reducing the painful symptoms of low back pain and can prevent future episodes. Our experienced physiotherapists have extensive training in the diagnosis and treatment of low back pain. After examining the cause of the low back pain and its severity, they can prepare a custom treatment plan to help reduce pain, strengthen muscles and help prevent future bouts of back pain. At our clinic treatment may include Tecar or Radio Frequency therapy followed by Pulse-Shockwave and laser therapy with prescription of exercises, stretching and core strengthening. Our unique Simply Align Technique has shown to us and our patients that it can reduce back pain exceptionally well. Using advanced physical modalities in this technique patient get better much faster. See the video below to see what we offer with great results: (The technique seen in these videos are available in both of our clinics Toronto (Scarborough) and Vaughan (Woodbridge)).
Living in Toronto or Vaughan and seeking relief for low back pain? Book an assessment today. For Free Consultation Call Toronto (Scarborough) (416) 438-3230 or Text 416-628-8554 and For Vaughan (Woodbridge) Call (905) 638-9840
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