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What’s New in Physiotherapy & Chiropractic Modalities?
Dr. PardisniaWe are pleased to have the new SUPER INDUCTION SYSTEM: Mechanism of Action The intense electromagnetic field triggers action potential and depolarises the nerves, resulting in muscle contractions. The Super Inductive System is designed to treat painful neuromuscular and joint-skeletal…
Simply Align Technique™ Approach, Benefits & Costs
Dr. PardisniaAfter years of treating over 2000 patients with various musculoskeletal pain and injuries, we are proud to introduce Simply Align Technique™ (Trademarked). We listened to patient concerns and needs. We traveled to European countries in search of advanced machines. We looked…
3D Spinal Decompression Therapy
Dr. PardisniaIn 2008 Dr. Pardisnia of Simply Align Rehab imported the first DOC decompression table to Canada in his Oakville clinic. Since then he has treated hundreds of patients with this technology in his clinics. The DOC table allows unique positioning…