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  • Shin Splints


    Shin splints are an overuse injury that affects many people. When the muscles and bones in the lower leg strain and become inflamed, this ailment occurs. Shin splints are…

  • Shoulder Pain and Common Shoulder Problems


    What most people refer to as the shoulder is actually a collection of joints that work together with tendons and muscles to allow the arm to move in a…

  • Tendinopathy


    Tendons are tissue ropes that connect muscles to bones. Tendinopathy occurs when a tendon is injured or overused. Although tendinopathy can become chronic, rest and physical therapy are likely…

  • Thigh Strain


    A tear in one quadriceps muscle in the thigh’s front is sometimes referred to as a thigh muscle strain. It’s popular in sports like sprinting and jumping. Thigh strain…

  • What is TMJ Pain?


    The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) connects your lower jaw (mandible) to your skull. The joint is located in front of your ears on both sides of your head. It helps…