Osteoarthritis(OA) is the most common type of arthritis. It is also known as degenerative arthritis, degenerative joint disease and wear-and-tear arthritis.
OA develops when the cartilage (protective tissue covering bone ends) breaks down which causes the bones to rub together.
Types of Osteoarthritis
- Primary – affects the thumbs, fingers, hips, knees, spine and the great (big) toes.
- Secondary – is caused due to injury, pre-existing joint abnormality, infection or genetic disorders.
The main cause of OA is joint damage. Other causes includes –
- Age (usually above 50)
- Inflammatory and metabolic risks
- Genetic disorders
- Past Injuries and Trauma
- Obesity
- Poor posture
- Menopause
- Other health conditions such as diabetes or a different type of arthritis
If one part of your body already has OA then the risk of developing OA in other parts of the body increases.
The most common symptoms of OA include:
- Pain and stiffness in the joint
- Reduced range of motion
- Discomfort in areas around finger
- Inflammation
- extra lumps of bone or bone spurs
- joint swelling or deformity
- noticeable joint heat and redness
- joint movement is painful or difficult.
Depending upon the severity of the symptoms health care providers suggest different treatments to manage and slow down the degeneration process –
- Exercise
- Losing weight (obesity)
- Medicines (pain killers, oral analgesics, anti-inflammatory medications)
- Heat and cold packs
- Supportive devices such as shoe inserts, cane, or walker,braces, orthotics,
- Physiotherapy – according to researchers physiotherapy reduces the pain and disability caused due to arthritis to a great extent.