Giving Back

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It is with great sense of satisfaction to announce that Dr. Nima Pardisnia runs two volunteer programs.  The first program that has been running for over a year at Scarborough Village.  This program includes workshops for seniors about common knee, back, neck and shoulder injuries.  It also includes common treatments, prevention and exercises.  This program started with handful of senior citizens in 2015, but it grew very fast after each workshop.  After only three class the room was packed and no empty seats.

Back Class Scarborough Village

Back Class Scarborough Village 2


The second program have started in April 2016 with a local youth volleyball team.  Ankle and knee injuries are common among young athletes.  It would be great for a team to have its own Chiropractic Doctor and physiotherapist on the field.  Apparently the excitement was very high amongst the players even before starting this program.

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